1Nebula Blog

Building Your Legacy: Start Today and Be Remembered for Your Leadership

Written by Daniel Nel | Oct 19, 2023 10:08:42 AM

Your legacy is what you leave behind, it’s how you’re remembered both today and when you’re gone. Your legacy is your identity!

Why is your legacy important? Your legacy is the mark you make on the world, and we all want to be remembered in a good way not in a bad light. Working on your legacy today will help you to change the way the world sees you, increasing your influence as a leader!

Legacy Starts Young

Most of us only start to think of legacy later in our careers, but it should actually start as young as possible. Most of your legacy is built on what you do building your company, long before it’s a success. Those years of grinding, pushing through the failures and innovating are what will build the foundation of your legacy.

Later in your career, when you are an established leader, is when you can share your experiences and legacy. However, you will need a legacy to share first!

Start building your legacy today.

What Will You Be Remembered For?

Everyone is remembered for something, what will you be remembered for? It could be for something sinister like a famous serial killer, or it could be for your work ethic and leadership. The beauty is you have the choice!

How you live your life and how you lead people will build the legacy that you are remembered for. Start thinking of how you want to be remembered.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It is easy to come up with great stories and inspirational sayings, what is harder is to live it. People can see through fakeness, they can see through stories, they see the truth, they see what you do!

Focus on how you lead your life and how you act, as this will speak much louder than any story you can come up with.

If you are lazy, you will be remembered as being lazy even if you give inspirational speeches about productivity! How you act is how you will be seen and remembered. Think of how you want to be remembered and start acting like that today!