1Nebula Blog

Do You Have A Vision?

Written by Daniel Nel | Mar 29, 2023 7:45:57 AM

A vision for the future is what helps guide us forward and pushes us to be better. One of a leader's biggest responsibilities is to provide a vision and clarity around it. But how does one come up with a vision?

Here are some key elements that go into having and maintaining a strong vision:

Core Ideology

Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you believe in?

These are all part of your core ideology. Both as leaders and as companies, we have core ideologies that define us. Your ideology can be described as the “why” behind everything we do. Digging deep and understanding what drives you is crucial to developing a vision that will take you forward.

Your ideology is what will guide you through the good and bad times as it is deeper than a goal, it is who you are. An ideology evolves but does not change.

The best way to find your ideology is to think of why people follow you, why your clients work with you, and why your employees are inspired by you. It’s likely because of what you stand for, your why, and your ideology.

Some questions to ask yourself to help identify your ideology:

  • What do you do that makes the most impact on others lives?
  • What is most important to you?
  • What inspires you to do better?
  • Why do other follow/ listen to you?

Envisioned Future

Your ideology planned out and put into a vision gives you the future you wish for or an envisioned future. Imagining and defining this place helps you to push forward through the bad times and gives you something to aim for.

An envisioned future is a big goal, it unites your team knowing what you want to create. An example could be your company’s global expansion.

Your envisioned future must touch your team deeply and align with their personal ideology for the future. This will motivate and inspire them to work towards making this vision a reality.


Both your ideology and envisioned future need to be “dusted off” every once in a while. Reviewing your ideology and envisioned future allows you to ensure that you are still working towards it and operating in line with your ideology.

Review your ideology and envisioned future periodically with your team and look at ways in which they can evolve and grow with the world around us.

A vision can lead you to the future, it can inspire your team and clients and can give you something to aim for. However, without having all the pieces in place, you cannot have a strong vision.