1Nebula Blog

How Do You Create A Human Connection As A Leader?

Written by 1Nebula Team | Apr 27, 2022 8:20:14 AM

The leaders who manage to create a human/ personal collection with their followers possess much more power and influence over those who don’t. The ability to connect with your followers at a human level is a skill many struggle with, but being able to relate to your team allows you to lead them in a much better way. Why? Because people trust people to whom they can relate.

The main question is how do you create this human connection, especially in a world that is becoming more and more digital. While there is no one way, there are some things you can implement.

What is Important When You Work?

Understanding what is important to your team in a work situation will help you to relate to them in a human way. A major mistake many companies make is focusing on the wrong things like money when their teams want much more than that. What do they want?

Here are a few things your team wants:

“You Are A Constant Work Of Art”

The first step is to realise that you as a leader and the relationships you have with others are never finished, never perfect, and could always use some extra work. Spend the time to work on your relationships and improve them, as if you were working on a masterpiece. Because one day, it may turn into a masterpiece, right in front of your eyes.

People Want To Be Respected

Everyone wants to be respected. They want to feel as if they are treated individually, fairly, and justly. The CEOs who treat their lower staff differently or worse because of their rank, are the CEOs who do not last. Make sure you show the utmost respect for every person on your team, no matter their rank, position, age, gender, race, or any other differentiation.

Show Recognition

Pride. Pride can be described as “a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements or those you are associated with.” Pride is a strong feeling that can push and motivate your team far beyond anything else.

Pride is gained from recognition, the receiving of praise that started all the way back when your drawing was put on Mom’s fridge. Show recognition when deserved in an authentic way. This will boost the morale and pride of your team.

Give recognition, get recognition. It's that simple.

Feeling Of Belonging

“Go fast alone, go far together”. Someone who feels a part of a team is much more dedicated and focused than someone who feels alone. Belonging brings personal achievement, comradery, and overall a great atmosphere. It helps to build a fertile ground, ready for growth.

One way to help your team feel belonging is to challenge them. Throw them in the deep end, while staying close enough to ensure they don’t drown. Make them feel needed!


Autonomy and responsibility are closely linked. Giving someone the responsibility and trust to run a project or to work on their own boosts their own trust in themselves, leading them to perform better. Where possible, let your teams work autonomously and you will see the results!

Further than this, create an environment that supports new ideas and experimentation! This will help to grow your team and its capabilities, allowing individuals to think at their best.

Personal Growth

We all have strengths, we all have weaknesses. Working on yourself and becoming better is a crucial part of your growth in all areas of your life. Create an environment that encourages and makes it easy for your team members to learn and grow!


We all long to have a higher purpose and meaning in life. Without it, we can quickly become disinterested! Build your business and its activities around a higher purpose and meaning to inspire and push your team to do the same. Make sure you all know what you are working towards.


Aside from personal growth and recognition, we want to see progress. Creating an environment where progress is available will help motivate your team even more. Make sure you promote from within, share results, and know that progress is not money. Progress is tangible growth. Progress always trumps perfection.

A high degree of human connection with a few people is much more valuable than a non-human connection with many people. Focus on a human connection!