Maximize Savings: The Smarter Way to Reduce Direct Costs.


As organisations accelerate digital transformation, the complexity of their mobile environments inevitably grows. Hybrid working models, mobile business processes, bring your own device (BYOD) ownership models, and a wide range of service provider offerings all complicate the management of mobile voice and data costs.

The result? Most enterprises face rising costs, unacceptable levels of wastage and even bill shock in their mobile environments. There are many reasons a company might be running an unoptimised environment and wasting a large portion of its IT and telecom spending.

But any organisation can simplify operations and mitigate the internal and external factors causing wastage and bill shock by putting smarter telecoms expense management tools, processes and skills in place. In our experience, such cutting edge solutions can slice mobile telecoms costs by as much as 20% to 25% a year.

Here’s how these tools and processes guide your business to smarter spending:

Get real-time visibility into telecoms costs: A solution like OneView Mobile Expense Management enables you to monitor and control 3G APN data and voice costs in real time. You can track individual users, teams, and entire departments by identifying usage trends as well as prevent overspending and bill shock.

Understand your ecosystem: Telecom expense management gives you rich reporting and analytics data that enables you to make sense of your mobile ecosystem. This offers smarter insight into spending across multiple suppliers, service providers and contracts.

Smarter automation to simplify operations: Cutting edge systems to track, allocate and forecast telecoms spending enable you to automate internal cost recoveries and journals. That means knowledgeable teams no longer need to spend their time going through monthly bills to track expenses and charge them to the correct cost centres—making smarter use of their time.

Embrace a cost-conscious culture: Telecom expense management tools help create an internal culture of accountability. They bring transparency in tracking personal vs. business usage and wasteful usage of resources. These solutions also keep employees aware of their monthly mobile spend via live usage tracking and alerts, in turn, helping them to avoid overspend and wastage.

Improve supplier accountability: Telecom expense management helps enterprises hold vendors and suppliers accountable for their products and services. They can ensure they are getting accurate bills and negotiate with providers to get better rates and terms.

Eliminate redundant services: It’s not unusual to pay for telecom infrastructure and subscriptions that are no longer in use, have become obsolete, were never really needed or have been replaced. Cutting edge software can help an organisation identify opportunities to consolidate contracts and get rid of services they don’t need.

OneView from 1Nebula enables better management of employees’ telecoms usage, prevents unnecessary costs and optimises overall business performance. It is an end-to-end management platform that enables you to simplify and take control of mobile expense management. Get in touch to learn how our knowledgeable experts can help you simplify operations and adopt smarter spending practices.

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