INFOGRAPHIC: 7 Steps to implement a TEM solution


Communications technology has become an essential part of the modern workforce. Mobile devices have moved beyond a basic communication tool to a key business device, used for calls, instant messaging, email, images, streaming video, file sharing, task tracking, and more. Staff must be equipped with the tools they need to do their jobs effectively and businesses are increasingly creating complex ecosystems of IT and telecoms products, services, and infrastructure to meet the business needs of employees.

At the same time, the growth of communications technology has made it a considerable cost center for businesses, and managing these ecosystems has become increasingly difficult. Telecom assets are difficult to track as they include both physical assets, such as handsets and devices, and virtual assets such as mobile and data services. Different mobile deployment models can also result in difficult charge-back and reimbursement schemes.

Many companies are therefore looking for solutions that will help monitor, track, and optimise the various aspects of their business communications environment. A Telecoms Expense Management (TEM) solution does just this. By implementing a TEM solution, a company can get a complete view of its entire telecoms ecosystem in one place. They will be able to track expenditures, profile all users, optimise spending, budget more effectively, and make better decisions regarding vendors, contracts, and user needs. See our 7 steps below and get started today. 

7 Steps to implement a TEM solution


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